As most of you already know, North Korea has been talking up a storm about its military plans to destroy America and Seoul and all that jazz. And up until now I've been pretty calm about everything. The North loves to be crazy and wacky with its repression, human rights violations and blatant inaccurate propaganda, but we've all laughed it off as being nothing but a sad sad commie joke.
But shit's starting to get kinda real over here right now. They've allegedly moved missiles to the launch pads in preparation for another test and are doing pretty much everything of pulling their dicks out and shaking them at the DMZ. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little bit worried. I know the last people to mess with America were hit with an overwhelmingly superior force in terms of numbers, training and technology, but I don't know what's gonna happen if the North goes for it so-to-speak. I know I have guaranteed evacuation if it all hits the fan, but how good is that word if there's a war going on. I don't really know.
To my parents, sorry if I'm scaring you, but I'm just thinking out loud here. I'm not coming home until the US government tells me to. When Uncle Sam says "Come on home," trust me, I will. Until then, I've got homework that needs putting off. I'll see you all in July.
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